Robert Holland

My Story
Robert Frederick Holland born Tuesday 4th February @1.10pm 3 weeks early & in a hurry to meet the world.
From when Robert was 5 it was mainly just him his sister Karen & I as he father walked in & out of our lives.... Robert was a very loving son & brother & also very protective of Karen & I.
Robert was a very brainy child but knew from a very young age he wanted to be a lift engineer like his father... He left school at 16 & started a lift engineer apprenticeship.
By 2009 he was ready to start up his own business which he did & started full time in 2010. He very quickly built up a name for himself & was doing very well by spring 2011. He took on a young lad & was also subcontracting out...
Although Robert was working sometimes 7 days a week he always made time to spend with his nephew Alfie & niece Megan whom he adored & they adored him. He was very family orientated...
On Tuesday 25th October 2011 he went to Nottingham to do a refurbishment on a lift, by the Thursday he had taken the job as far as he could & run out of spares. He was told by the contractors that they would not be delivered until the afternoon of the Friday.
Robert & Charlie went out for something to eat & then on to the Oceana Nightclub. It was when they they were walking back that Liam Rockley attacked them... Rober5 had his hands in the air telling him they didn't want any trouble when Rockley punched him killing him instantly the police said he was dead before hitting the ground...
Rockley pleaded guilty to Manslaughter & got three & half years serving 21 months... 2 months after his license was up he punched someone else through a closed car window breaking their eye socket! He again pleaded guilty to GBH & got 2 years, he served 6 months & was out on tag which he paraded around!
This thug with one punch has ruined mine, my daughters & my grandchildren's lives.
There needs to be more of a deterrent & more support for victims.